Tuesday, 13 April 2010


Blush is an indepedent label which has recently become available on asos. The new spring collection features vintage inspired mini dresses at affordable prices.

images from asos.com

The Monkees

Today Delilah is listening to The Monkees. Not only were they all babes with effortless style but they made some some awesome tunes and hilarious comedy. The ultimate vintage cheese!

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

hello etsy

As the weather slowly gets warmer Delilah is getting increasingly excited about this year’s summer wardrobe (and of course next years and the year after as it’s all about sustainable fashion these days!) Here are Delilah’s fave picks from Etsy this week. These vintage sandals can be worn with probably anything but would look lovely with a floral tea dress as well as woolly ankle socks and tights at least whilst we wait for the sunshine to arrive.

All images taken from Etsy.

Delilah Magazine

Delilah Magazine is all about vintage fashion, independent brands, ethical products and thrift store bargains. Delilah Magazine doesn’t think fashion should be taken too seriously; it’s not about the latest it bag or designer label. It is all about having fun whilst being individual and creative.